Customizing Apply Saved Customization link in obiee

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Apply saved customization link at the setting button in obiee has been a mystery.

Wait….its not an more…..

We are revealing the way to customize the look, feel and behavior of the link all related to OBIEE dashboards .

Step 1 : Create a textbox in OBIEE edit dashboard
Step 2 : Add the following code to the text box

<td style="padding-right: 25px;">
<div id="idApplySavedSelectionsMenuItem">
<a class="masterMenuItem NQWLeftMenuItem NQWMenuItemWIconMixin NQWMenuItemOption NQWMenuItemHighlight" href="javascript:void(null)" onclick="return false;"  id="popupMenuItem" tabindex="0" role="menuitem" aria-label="Change View">
<table class="MenuItemTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="MenuItemIconCell">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="MenuItemTextCell">Biks Customizations</td>

$("#popupMenuItem").mouseover(function() { $("#idSavedSelectionsMenu").css('display','block'); saw.menuItemMouseOver(event,'idSavedSelectionsMenu','saveSettingDisplay'); PersonalizationEditor.getSavedSelectionsMenu() });

$(".CVFormatCell").mouseover(function() { $("#idSavedSelectionsMenu").css('display','none'); });

Step Final : Save the text box and save the dashboard.
NB:- Please do a display:none; to the existing setting button link.


Yes,, There are glitches with the CSS but with simple CSS changes you may change the look and feel of the customization button and the way it behaves in the page. eg placement and UI of the custom options. Stay tuned to our blog page for more crazy customizations in OBIEE.. Specially ,changing the OBIEE lightweight LOGO change in OBIEE login page.

Happy reporting…… chao

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